Need to keep an eye on your Web site? Worried that the site might not be up and running returning accurate results? Or do you need to have your Web site perform tasks at regular maintenance operations at regular intervals?
Then West Wind Web Monitor is the tool for you. Web Monitor can help you monitor Web Urls to make sure they are still online. It can watch multiple Web sites and links and notify you via email or pager when there is a problem. It can even launch another URL or executable file to correct the problem without manual intervention when a failure occurs. And it will notify you again if the site comes back up if the automated tasks succeeded.
The Service version can run as a Desktop application or as a Windows Service and provides an ASP.Net frontend that you can run to remotely monitor and administer the status of your configuration.
Version 3.0 adds significant new features:
- Run as a Windows Service
- Remote Adminstration via ASP.Net Web interface (requires IIS)
- Improved logging and display of logging information
- Interactive app that can run in the Windows Task tray
- Two failure events and failure retry
- Notification when failed URL comes back to work
- Support for running programs or Urls on failure
- Support for HTTP and SMTP Email login information
System Requirements: Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2012, 2008, 2003 Microsoft .NET Runtime v4.0 or later
This license is an individual user license for use on a single PC at a time.
Other: Basic Version Organizational License Source Code Version